Deluxe Fire Signs

Fire Extinguisher Symbol
This fire safety sign enables viewers to locate fire extinguishers quickly and easily. Under the Regulatory Reform - Fire Safety Order 2005 any non-au..
Water Extinguisher Identification
This fire extinguisher sign should be used to highlight water extinguishers. Water extinguishers can be used on wood, paper and textiles however they ..
AFFF Foam Spray Extinguisher Identification
This fire extinguisher sign should be used to highlight AFFF extinguishers. AFFF Foam extinguishers can be used on wood, paper, textiles and flammable..
CO2 Carbon Dioxide Extinguisher Identification
This fire extinguisher sign should be used to highlight Co2 extinguishers. Co2 extinguishers can be used on flammable liquid and live electrical fires..
Fire Blanket Identification
This fire safety sign enables viewers to locate a fire blanket quickly and easily. In the event of an emergency, this safety sign can help a panicked ..
EEC Fire Action (Manual Call 999) - Lift in Building
Advise staff and visitors what to do in the event of a fire within the building - provides specific details relevant to the building in question. Thi..
AVD (Aqueous Vermiculite Dispersion) Extinguisher Identification
This fire extinguisher sign should be used to highlight AVD (Aqueous Vermiculite Dispersion) extinguishers. AVD extinguishers can be used on wood, pap..
Fire Door Keep Shut - Door Edge Sign
This fire door keep shut sign acts a reminder to visitors and staff to close doors behind them. This fire sign should not be placed over the fire door..
Fire Door Keep Closed - Door Edge Sign
This fire door keep shut sign acts a reminder to visitors and staff to close doors behind them. This fire sign should not be placed over the fire door..
Fire Door Keep Locked - Door Edge Sign
This fire door keep locked sign acts a reminder to visitors and staff to keep fire doors locked. Doors which open on to a fire escape corridor should ..
Fire Door Keep Shut
1.5mm silver anodised aluminium for a stylish sign displayManufactured from anodised aluminium or brass with printed detail, these signs are ideal for..
Fire Door Keep Locked Shut
1.5mm silver anodised aluminium for a stylish sign displayManufactured from anodised aluminium or brass with printed detail, these signs are ideal for..
Automatic Fire Door Keep Clear
1.5mm silver anodised aluminium for a stylish sign displayManufactured from anodised aluminium or brass with printed detail, these signs are ideal for..
Fire Alarm Call Point Symbol
Under the Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety Order 2005 any non-automatic fire fighting equipment should be identified with an appropriate sign. The signs..
ABC Dry Powder Extinguisher Identification
Under the Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety Order 2005 any non-automatic fire fighting equipment should be identified with an appropriate sign. The signs..
AFFF Foam Spray Extinguisher Identification
Under the Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety Order 2005 any non-automatic fire fighting equipment should be identified with an appropriate sign. The signs..
CO2 Carbon Dioxide Extinguisher Identification
Under the Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety Order 2005 any non-automatic fire fighting equipment should be identified with an appropriate sign. The signs..
Water Extinguisher Identification
Under the Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety Order 2005 any non-automatic fire fighting equipment should be identified with an appropriate sign. The signs..
Keep Locked Shut
Every fire door should have an appropriate "Fire door" sign fitted. Where doors can be used from either side a sign is required on both sides. Doors w..
AVD (Aqueous Vermiculite Dispersion) Extinguisher Identification
Under the Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety Order 2005 any non-automatic fire fighting equipment should be identified with an appropriate sign. The signs..
Fire Door Keep Closed
Every fire door should have an appropriate "Fire door" sign fitted. Where doors can be used from either side a sign is required on both sides. Doors w..
Automatic Fire Door Keep Clear
Every fire door should have an appropriate "Fire door" sign fitted. Where doors can be used from either side a sign is required on both sides. Doors w..